Tag Archives: Hadrian’s Wall

riley_journey_britanniaReviewer: Wouter van Dijk

Journey to Britannia. From the Heart of Rome to Hadrian’s Wall. AD 130, Bronwen Riley

Head of Zeus Ltd., London 2015
ISBN: 9781781851340

Hardcover with dust jacket, with maps, checklist of Latin and English place names, bibliography, notes and index
335 pages
£25,00 / €27,00

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Reviewer: Wouter van Dijkroman_invasion_hoffmann

The Roman Invasion of Britain. Archaeology versus History, Birgitta Hoffmann

Pen & Sword Archaeology (imprint of Pen & Sword Books), Barnsley 2013
ISBN: 978-1-84884-097-3

Hardcover with dust jacket, illustrations and maps in black and white, appendices, bibliography and index
222 pages
£19,99 / €25,99


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