Tag Archives: Vikings

Reviewer: Wouter van Dijk

The Age of the Vikings, Anders Winroth

Princeton University Press, Princeton, Oxford 2014
ISBN: 978-0-691-14985-1

Hardcover with dust jacket, with maps, illustrations in black and white, further reading section, notes, bibliography and index
304 pages
£ 24,95 / € 26,77 / $ 29,95

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artoftheislandsReviewer: Wouter van Dijk

Art of the Islands. Celtic, Pictish, Anglo-Saxon and Viking Visual Culture c.450-1050, Michelle P. Brown

Bodleian Library, Oxford 2016
ISBN: 978 1 85124 446 1

Paperback, with 120 colour illustrations, with bibliography and index
240 pages
£25,00 / €31,99


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