Tag Archives: Augustus


Omslag hoge resolutie Goldsworthy - AugustusRecensent: Vera Weterings

Augustus. Van revolutionair tot keizer van Rome, Adrian Goldsworthy

(Oorspronkelijke gepubliceerd door Weidenfeld & Nicolson, onderdeel van de Orion Publishing Group, onder de titel: Augustus. From Revolutionary to Emperor in 2014)

ISBN 978 94 019 0686 9
Uitgeverij Omniboek, Utrecht 2016

Paperback, met illustraties in kleur, kaarten, appendices, verklarende woordenlijst, lijst van belangrijke personages, stambomen, bibliografie, afkortingen in de noten, notenapparaat en register.
672 pagina's
€ 34,99

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Adrian Goldsworthy1Hereditas Nexus was able to interview Adrian Goldsworthy in the Embassy Hotel in Amsterdam, because his latest book Augustus is coming out in a Dutch translation this week. Earlier this week we published the first part of this interview about Goldsworthy’s fascination with the Romans and his upcoming book Pax Romana. In this follow-up we focus on his book of Augustus. As a cherry on top of the cake, Goldsworthy also tells about his next project about Philip II of Macedonia and Alexander the Great.

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