Tag Archives: Pen & Sword Books

Reviewer: Wouter van Dijk

Brutus of Troy: And the Quest for the Ancestry of the British, Anthony Adolph

Pen & Sword Books, Barnsley 2015
ISBN 978 1 47384 917 4

Hardcover with dust jacket, map, illustrations in black and white, timeline, family tree, bibliography and index
237 pages
£19.99 / E 23,00

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crooked_stickReviewer: Wouter van Dijk

The Crooked Stick. A History of the Longbow, Hugh D.H. Soar

Westholme Publishing (imprint of Pen & Sword Books), Yardley 2011
ISBN: 978-1-59416-090-5

Paperback, with illustrations in black and white, appendix, glossary, notes, references for further reading and index
243 pages
£12,99 / €15,99

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gaulReviewer: Wouter van Dijk
Roman Conquests: Gaul, Michael M. Sage

Pen & Sword Military (imprint of Pen & Sword Books), Barnsley 2011
ISBN: 978-1-84884-144-4

Hardcover with maps, appendix, notes, bibliography and index
188 pages
£19,99 / €21,99

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warfare in northern europeReviewer: Wouter van Dijk

Warfare in Northern Europe before the Romans. Evidence from Archaeology, Julie Wileman

Pen & Sword Archaeology (imprint of Pen & Sword Books), Barnsley 2014
ISBN: 978 1 78159 325 7

Hardcover, with figures and images, list for further reading and index
190 pages
€26,99 / £19,99 Read the complete review!