Tag Archives: Routledge

Reviewer: Wouter van Dijk

A History of Archival Practice, Paul Delsalle, translated and revised by Margaret Procter

Routledge (Abingdon, New York 2018)
ISBN 9781409455240

Hardcover, with images in black and white, literature lists, notes and index
245 pages
£ 80,00 / € 92,50

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Reviewer: Wouter van DijkThe irish revolution image

The Irish Revolution 1916-1923, Marie Coleman

Routledge (imprint of Taylor & Francis Group), Abingdon and New York 2014
ISBN: 978-1-408-27910-6

Paperback, with images in black and white, maps, abbreviations, chronology, who’s who, glossary, guides to further reading, literature list and list of plates, and index
169 pages
£23,99 / €35,23 / $38,95


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