Tag Archives: The O’Brien Press

Reviewer: Wouter van Dijk

John MacBride, Donal Fallon
16 Lives series

The O’Brien Press, Dublin 2015
ISBN: 978 1 84717 270 9

Paperback, illustrated in black and white, with map, timeline, notes, bibliography and index
297 pages
€ 14,99

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Reviewer: Wouter van Dijk

Seán MacDiarmada, Brian Feeney
16 Lives series

The O’Brien Press, Dublin 2014
ISBN: 978 1 84717 263 1

Paperback, illustrated in black and white, with map, timeline, notes, bibliography and index
336 pages
€ 14,99

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Dublin_1913Reviewer: Wouter van Dijk

Dublin 1913. Lockout & Legacy, Gary Granville

The O’Brien Press, Dublin 2013
ISBN: 978-1-84717-361-4

Paperback, richly illustrated in black and white, with sources, bibliography and index
167 pages



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Reviewer: Wouter van DijkMallin_Brian_Hughes

16 Lives: Michael Mallin, Brian Hughes

The O’Brien Press, Dublin 2012
ISBN: 978-1-84717-266-2

Paperback, with illustrations in black and white, timeline, map of Dublin, appendices, notes, bibliography and index
256 pages

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