IMG_2443As partner in the Week of the Classics (Dutch: Week van de Klassieken) we present to you an extensive interview with well-known author Adrian Goldsworthy, who is specialised in Roman history. Adrian Goldsworthy (1969) completed a D.Phil in ancient military history at St. John’s College, Oxford.  He used his dissertation as the foundation of his first book, The Roman Army at War 100 BC – AD 200. He has written several books about Ancient Rome, among others Caesar, Life of a Colossus (2006), Antony and Cleopatra (2010) and Augustus: First Emperor of Rome (2014). Because his book on Augustus has just been translated in Dutch and will be be available in stores this week, Goldsworthy was in the Netherlands a few days and our editor Vera Weterings had the opportunity to talk with him about his fascination with the Romans and his upcoming book Pax Romana. You can read about it in the interview below. Later this week, another questionnaire with Goldsworthy focusing on his latest book Augustus, will be published by us so keep an eye on our website.

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Goden-monsters-en-helden-Josho-BrouwersRecensent: Vera Weterings

Goden, monsters en helden. De mythologie van de oude Grieken, Josho Brouwers

Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam 2014
ISBN 978 90 253 0252 8

Paperback, met illustraties in zwart-wit, appendices, literatuur en register
200 pagina’s
€ 18,99

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Foto: Sam Valdi
Foto: Sam Valdi

Als prelude op de grote najaarstentoonstelling Gladiatoren. Helden in het Colosseum in Museum Het Valkhof gaf prof. dr. Olivier Hekster gisteren in het kader van de Week van de Klassieken de lezing Gladiatoren in de Romeinse samenleving. Hekster is hoogleraar Oude Geschiedenis aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. In de Gladiatoren tentoonstelling zullen voor het eerst bijzondere vondsten uit het Colosseum in Rome te zien zijn in Nederland.

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